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Naruto: The Outsider’s Resolve
Naruto: The Outsider’s Resolve
1.84M Views 50605 Favorites 335 Chapters 4 Chapters/Week 3113 Readers
4.7 (402 ratings)
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Make the best of what you have, they said... But what I am supposed to do when the best I have are red-eyed freaks, a child who's supposed to be the jailor of the most dangerous being in the world, a snake bastard with serious boundary issues, and a whole world of super soldiers with licences to murder.

And you know the best part? None of them like me so much...

Oh shut it, old man! Take that Will of Fire and shove it up your—

Yeah, this second swing at life isn't panning out...


What to expect:

- Gradual strength progression. Meaningful growth. The MC is a normal guy dumped into the Narutoverse, starts out weak and has to work and struggle for everything he gains.
- "Slow" paced. My writing style is a zoomed-in look camera that follows the protagonist. It might seem slow, but I ensure something is always happening to progress the plot forward.
- Gritty and often bloody fights and actions scenes with a focus on taijutsu—you'll see individual combat, team fights, and large-scale battle.
- A different take on the Narutoverse. The world is full of superhuman mercenaries with liscenes-to-kill—that along with the protagonist's struggles paint the world in a much darker light.
- Additions and expansion to the "chakra" power system. I consider myself a conservative when it comes to adapting the power system—and aim to retain the original feel while highlighting the best parts.
- The Outsider's Resolve version of Narutoverse uses the [Naruto Manga] as the base—with additions from anime, books, and even Boruto (though very less likely).






This story is also present on:
FFN, Ao3, SpaceBattles, SufficientVelocity, and Webnovel
RoyalRoad [to be verified]


I don't own any character other than my OCs.
The cover pic is also not mine.

Academy Age Progression Army Based on an Anime Cautious Protagonist Character Growth Death Depictions of Cruelty Determined Protagonist Hard-Working Protagonist Late Romance Male Protagonist Mercenaries Military Mysterious Past Ninjas Orphans Secret Identity Slow Growth at Start Transmigration Wars Weak to Strong
Table of Contents 335
  1. CH_9.20 (335)Feb 10, 2025
  2. CH_9.19 (334)Feb 10, 2025
  3. CH_9.18 (333)Feb 10, 2025
  4. CH_9.17 (332)Feb 10, 2025
  5. CH_9.16 (331)Feb 3, 2025
  6. CH_9.15 (330)Feb 3, 2025
  7. CH_9.14 (329)Feb 3, 2025
  8. CH_9.13 (328)Jan 27, 2025
  9. CH_9.12 (327)Jan 27, 2025
  10. CH_9.11 (326)Jan 27, 2025
  11. CH_9.10 (325)Jan 21, 2025
  12. CH_9.9 (324)Jan 21, 2025
  13. CH_9.8 (323)Jan 21, 2025
  14. CH_9.7 (322)Jan 13, 2025
  15. CH_9.6 (321)Jan 13, 2025
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      Status: ch_2.1 (033): genin corps

      It’s really good, but at the same time extremely slow. It’s really gritty and not something that everyone will like.

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      Status: ch_5.2 (145) filler

      Since Arc 4 the whole books feels like a crime thriller. You can change the names and places, and u would still end up with the same feel. While going with originality the author forgot what made Naruto great and fundamentally changed it for the better or for the worse, its up to the reader. Props to him though, if it was a standalone novel it would be an okay read.

      The problem for me with the book starting with this whole police arc was that it simply feels like filler, it felt like I was reading filler when he was doing police work. I don't know how someone manages to create filler for a novel, but here it is. The only part that was nice was the ring, it was something I could imagine in a military settlement which isn't at war. 

      The ring fundamentally gave him an artificial war without the risk of death, him going and selling drugs to get enough money for healing himself is also fair, but  I understand. How does it make sense that he could sell drugs  in a village full of other ninja? I don't believe he is so lucky that no Chunin ever saw him, this whole story is how he has no system and sh*t. That by itself is what is bothering me, slow paced yet no attention to detail. The only detail we are always focused on is the ones that don't add anything to the story.

      Another problem I cannot help but point out is that the side characters are all one or two dimensional, this story should be slow paced, so why are all the characters so under-developed? The writing feels like its dynamic, with arc 4 I can see the author took a risk and went all out, but it ended up as a flop. It feels like he did a lot of research, but his execution of the whole true crime arc feels sloppy at best. 

      What caught me by surprise when he went and did the raid behind his superior's back is that no one asked him how he exactly got his info for the raid? It was explained partially after the raid when Yakumi and Setsuna interrogated him, but its still suspicious as hell. Like imagine, a new guy who worked less than a few months goes and does a raid behind your back, you're his boss and you know he isn't "THAT" smart, how come he managed to get a raid on a bunch of big shots, and yet has no explanation for even the smallest details, his notes weren't explained to us as the reader, yet Kano read them and she was "WAUW" like god damn. Where the f**k is the proof that the notes are even real? Where is the proof that the info Takuma got was from a reputable source. Just for these things alone he should have been taken accountable. 

      I see that the author has spirit, he did a lot of research, I appreciate it. It's admirable, but the execution is awful. The whole arc felt boring like watching a filler arc. The characters haven't even developed in any way until now. If u skip arc 4 and go directly to arc 8 nothing changes, takuma is still a f**king genin, with more jutsu, maybe smarter and stronger. By the time we hit chapter 1000 he "might" be a jonin maybe.

      If u go all in, then go all in. Either make this slow paced and detailed, or make is fast paced and less detailed, but don't make it slow paced and less detailed. Its boring as f**k, and it feels like every chapter is repeating itself. The true crime aspect had no good pay off at all because of its lackluster execution. And it is still ongoing in arc 5, no wonder there are less people reading. 

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      Status: ch_6.1(172)

      Incredible Story. This story brings the reality of what an "extra" in Naruto would be like. How do you imagine someone who has suffered an isekai in the world of Naruto without any golden fingers or the like? Read and see.

      At first he's quite weak, but it's understandable, he has 10 months to keep up with what others have done in 5 years, so it can be quite frustrating, but bear with it, it gets better later.

      I like that the author develops this story very well and shows the reality of Konoha that the anime didn't show, bringing a more mature view on everything.

      The only negative point, if I can say it is negative,


      is that there was almost no interaction between the MC and the story of the original plot. Yes, I understand that although it's already in vol.6, Naruto and the others are still students at the academy and this is a bit distressing for me, as a big fan of Naruto, I'm looking forward to when he can get involved in the plot of the anime/ mango.


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      Status: caught up

      I love this novel

      The novel is descriptive enough and also looks at naruto from a different perspective as to the original. It shows how ordinary people of the naruto verse could possibly live.

      The main character isn't over powered and have to learn everything from scratch. The story also shows his skill in mastering his craft. The story doesn't do a time skip or just randomly allow the MC to completely master the skill he's learning, instead we get an over time progression of the main character's familiarity with the skill he's learning.

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      Status: ch_5.9

      absolutely the best I have read on this site solid and consistent.

      Tip save up chapters and binge a whole arc 

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      Status: ch_1

      I remember reading a good length into the story but was immensely dissapointed by all the drug dealings, crime theme after all I'm not here to read a true crime story but about a magical world. I had very high hopes with this one but it also failed like all the others.

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      Status: ch_8.17 (282)

      A Naruto fanfic that feels realistic with no undeserved powerups. We watch as the story slowly progresses with the MC working and fighting for what he has and wants.

      It is a slow story and the MC has his issues he has to work through so do expect that when getting into it.

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      Status: ch_7.17 (235)

      Overall, I'd give this a try: the grammar and use of more complex sentences have steadily improved as the series progressed, the characters feel pretty genuine and believable, and the way it approaches the Naruto world adds depth and rounds out many aspects the anime/manga simply glossed over, and the combat is pretty great. 

      Now, while I love all the aspects above, I have to say that the weakest part of this fiction is the writing style: MANY scenes are completely interrupted by inane monologuing or exposition on topics that should either be addressed in a previous scene or simply not talked about at all (e.g., the random interruption of a stealth mission in order to tell us how they acquired the driver of the carriage) ; this completely ruins the flow of the story and results in me skimming at least 25% of each chapter and generally being slightly annoyed at the many moments ruined—or at least negatively impacted—by the use of random fact dumping or unnecessary exposition (i.e., work more on the "show don't tell" rule of writing). 

      Nonetheless, if the author works on this aspect, this could be one of the best Naruto fanfictions on the market. Though, seriously, please work on knowing what topics need to be made aware of and which can be skipped; this has made many sections of this story a bit of a slog to read through. 

      Thanks for the great book, and I hope my review helps further your writing :) !


      Side note: you might also want to keep a lookout when it comes to repeated words; you seem to use many of the same words within the same paragraph or sentence, which results in the writing feeling amateurish and kinda stilted. For example (there are two) :

       "He heard the footsteps grow closer until Orange-Mask ran past him. Takuma jumped Orange-Mask and threw an augmented punch towards the man's face. Orange-Mask ducked under the punch and stabbed out with his sword. Takuma dodged with a quick step back before going in with a counter augmented-punch." (CH_7.12)

      "The water tentacles snapped forward and wrapped themselves around Orange-Mask's wrists. Takuma pulled Orange-Mask toward him with the tentacles and went for a stab with a kunai. Orange-Mask resisted the pull, broke free from the tentacle's grasp, and pulled his sword up. (CH_7.12)

      These are simply two examples of what has happened in almost every chapter and is something I'm surprised no one's brought to the authors attention. 

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      Status: ch_5.26 (169): timeline

      If writing on layered onion by fleshing out each skin could be described, this story fits the image. 

      Since first arc I could see the details and realistic take on naruto universe. Butterfly effects and whatnot, truly an interesting read for such pov. 

      Plot direction is not that special, holds interest in the pov taken where timeline placed strategically. Pacing wise it might not be satisfactory because plot progression takes time. Details as main plus point for me stands out where it helped a lot in visualizing MC thought, character, and feeling. Character writing focuses on MC with lots of struggles but with carefully timed-added relationships turns the somber vibe to a more dynamic one. Diction, words, and grammar overall is A grade (nothing fatal). All in all, its a good read for detail and slow kinda slice of life lovers in naruto au where growth grows among difficulties of life.

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      Excellent story. It's easily in my top 3 among the countless Naruto fanfictions that I've read.

       The first thought that comes to mind about this novel is: This is what a proper fanfiction must be like. Realism is on point, grammar is practically perfect, expands upon the original work flawlessly.

      The only thing that might be a turn off is that Takuma (mc) isn't OP at all and the pacing is slower than average, because he actually has to work to the bone to improve himself (both of which to my liking), unlike a certain blond, who's the reincarnation of the son of the 'ninja god'. 

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