A class is summoned to another world. The loner of the class watches how all his classmates are fearful or excited. Only he understands that this is not a game.
When they are going to see their classes, Zack´s turn comes soon and ....
What do you mean I don´t have a shitty class?
alright so all I could really think of when the class reveal happened is "Wow, that's dissapointin." lets be honest he didn't get the worst out of it but all he got was just that, idk if it just me but I feel scammed even tho I know it aint crappy but like, compared to the others he's kinda really weak and gets treated like dirt anyways, but I guess it's in the tags however juding by arc length it's probably gonna be a slowburn, and tbh I reached chapter 10 but the title "even weirder" just seems like an overstatement, just feels generic ig minus the MC getting thrown in a hole or sum.
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its good but very slow, as an example, story could be reduced to 30-40k words from current 110k, and still be considered slow burn.
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It started off okay with a continual decrease in quality. The author frequently messes up with names and pronouns. There’s a heavy focus on class hierarchy that doesn’t really go anywhere. The magic system and world-building are both boring and unoriginal. The characters are really, really dumb, even when they are stated not to be.
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