Dan really, REALLY, wants to be forcefemmed.
Hunter, Dan's cisgender male best friend, is forced to listen to Dan's constant prattling on and on about all the different, vivid, and creative ways someone could get turned into a woman.
Unfortunately for Hunter, he lives in a world where Dan might be onto something...
A lovely, if comedically absurd at times, story that pulls at the heartstrings only just barely infrequently enough that you feel its full impact each time. Well worth your time!
Triply so if you have memories of being inexplicably intrigued by or drawn to forcefemme stories as an egg.
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This is a really fun story that makes fun of all the force-femme cliches. Very meta, with one of the main characters a self-described expert in gender bending, constantly criticizing everything going on. The first part really sets up a world where every gender bend cliche is in force. The second part is even better with the two of them facing against the classic Evil Corporation, revealed to be a bunch of incompetents. The only solution is to show them how it's done!The history of the forced-femme genre is tricky. As a late transitioner, I spent a lot of time reading these types of stories (literal decades). There are a lot of really nasty things to unwind mixed in there, but they aren't all bad. This story is a critique of the genre, showing how the core can be mode quite trans positive and affirming. It is also, and I can't stress this enough, very, very funny.
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One of the silliest, goofiest, and funniest stories I have ever read on this site! 😂🤣&Nbsp;
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