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Synopsis :
A reincarnated soul wakes up in the marvel multiverse in an egg (yep you heard it right). Turns out that, newsflash, he is not a human. He is sort of a new mutant god messiah or something. Truthfully he doesn't understand it himself. But that doesn't matter to him, what matters is that he must use everything in his arsenal to become the strongest to survive the hellish nightmare this world is & maybe along the way form his own group of loyal followers to boss arou... , uh, rely on.
And of course there is the matter of extremely hot & powerful passionate beauties that he is going to..., umm, admire, since he is a man of culture.
Oh and did I mention, he has a little system to help him along his journey to become the strongest god there is.
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Note :
Alternate Universe(s)
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I post 20 advanced chapters of the book on my Patrèon along with some other interesting stories. Check it out!
Just go to pat reon.com/God_Doom
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Author's note :
I do not own Marvel or any of its characters other than my own OC.
The cover art is not mine, if you want me to take it down, please notify me.
Cant vibe with MC
the story is not bad for 1st time author
If you dont want to make MC act like a god why did you make him a god?
A divine being or something is more apt for how MC act but not god
If a general act like a private the army is doomed
If a god act like mortal then the relligion is doomed
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There isn't really anything good about this novel. It does have a lot of issues though:
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Honestly, this is mostly cheap wish fulfilment.
While it does have some action and there is a plot in there, with him growing his powers and developing his influence. Every relationship and character is incredibly basic. With basically every female character turned into the cheapest love interest posible.
While we see him developing his powers and facing threats, everything is overshadowed by how every known heroine just forgets about her personality and is instantly atracted to him, while every word and action he takes just serves to further them in the path of wanting to be with him.
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