(Villain Deku; My Hero Academia Fanfic)
Think to yourself, just this one little question-
"What if the Sludge Villain never got away?"
(When a bottle doesn't drop to the floor, a world is changed forevermore)
Izuku Midoriya was an ordinary kid in an extraordinary world; one of heroes, quirks, and promises of glory to all that dared to reach out for it. If you had a good quirk, that is. And destiny had that all wrapped up in a nice little package for him until something shifted.
It was a minor cog that deviated in the clockwork of destiny, nothing significant in the scheme of things. But, as it turned out, even the most minor of cogs could cause a glitch in the machine. A fracture in fate. And what do you get with fractured fate? Why, who knows? The road he would walk upon in the future, whether it be one of thorns or sunshine, would be decided by him and him alone.
"Life is composed of decisions and perspective. The scenario is irrelevant; one can dance in the rain or cry in it. Thus, the person we are and can become is a product of it as well. That is the very essence of life."
Would he be a savior? A villain?
Or something else entirely?
That is the true question.
Warnings: Gore, Murder, Suicide, Bullying, Depression, Self-harm.
Update Time: Hehe. Complete. No more updates, but you get a full novel instead.
I don't own the picture itself, and if the artist wants it taken down I will do so immediately.
I did make the cover though.
It's pretty good!
I do not know whether or not people read reviews on this website but here's mine regardless. And please take note that I am pretty bad at reviews.
I did not pay attention to grammar but I'm pretty sure that it's not really a problem. I'm just here to tell you what I like about this story.
Obviously, the character development for deku certainly changed in a different manner than the anime the same case could be said for the different characters. With the most obvious one being bakugo. And since the author follows the anime's timeline deku more or less still has influence on all of them. Being the main character and all. Bakugo still matures just way, way more faster. And Todoroki still accept's his father's quirk.
As for deku's personality. All I could say is. Great! If the author's intention is giving him a hopeless vibe. Which I'm more than convince it is. They have more or less succeed. He's hopeless yes, but enough for him to become evil? No. In fact one of his goals is to take down all for one. Deku is simply a villain because of circumstance. He doesn't kill because he wants to. But rather because he thinks that's the only option left for him.
I wanna use the part where Kurogiri almost brought them to a part of the ocean deep enough for them to die to water pressure as a metaphor.
I think (personally) that the author intended to show us something with this scene.
Think about it like this. Normal people see the deep ocean along with the creatures that live there as scary and they are scared to go there (Unprotected atleast. There are things called submarines. But just think of it as a some sort of mental capacity.) For the pressure is too much for them to handle. But what about the other way around? What about those living under all that pressure and have adapted to live that way? They themselves could not resurface because they would die (although this is untrue for all of them. A species of snail that live down in the deep ocean actually melt once brought to the surface) No longer able to see the light of day. They have no choice but to live in constant darkness. Very few people one know about them because they never really confronted each other. And those that did either ignored or are looking at them from a distance. Simply observing what's happening to them.
I feel like this is the type of mentality deku has. He knows he could no longer live in the surface so he chose to stay in the deep. But those from up above could still carry him back up there given that his mentality is quite strong. Kinda like that deep sea crustacean that the Japanese used to put on their aquarium. Who knows? Maybe someday with the help from others he really will go back up to the surface.
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A really well thought out and executed story in my opinion. I personally don't like canon mha for a number of reasons (read deku, deku and uh lemme see deku) but this story does an excellent job of actually developing him into a likeable charcater even if hes a villain.
The psychological aspect of it is very good as the author does an excellent job at explaining charcater motivations behind the things they do, including some side characters at times.
Grammar is consistently excellent throughout the story for people who obsess over that.
Also join the discord is great fun :p
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Looking good.
The story runs in-depth character observation so we can see the changes the protagonist goes through as time passes. I need to say that I am not a fan of MHA myself because of how the story developed itself and thought this would develop the same way. I was gladly mistaken (mcl dunno). It lives to the description and the author's fidelity to the original character's personality is the cherry at the top.
I would recommend this one even with the edgy moments since each one of them contributes to the story on their own way.
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This review will be a brief one (I lied, it's a damn long review) so I will just go through the flaws, what I like about this story, and my thought about this.
The Flaws:
It may have been because I'm so tired recently but I will include this in the review as it is about our personal views and thoughts right?
What I like about this novel:
The decision and the reasoning behind it are barely passable according to the OG character and it just felt out of place. This story however is not like that.
It's like it's an original story and yet the character, Deku is still Izuku Midoriya we know despite being a villain. It's much more complicated than how I describe this. But just know that the author has successfully pulled this off.
If I were to describe the story without spoiling anything. I have to do it figuratively. (Now here comes the embarrassing thing I wrote last night. Did I actually wrote this cringy sh*t, OMG)
It's like a ribbon flying through the wind (Ok I feel like dying already). You watched the ribbon dance along with the wind, twisting and turning, completely at the mercy of the wind.
The ribbon dances wildly, despondently, and aimlessly through the wind.
The ribbon has change into different colors and forms. It's no longer the pristine ribbon it was before yet it still looks beautiful. It's been cut and torn, it's dirty and clean at the same time.
But now he no longer flies aimlessly. After a long time, he's flying peacefully. (Somehow I'm still alive after all that, okay here comes another wave!)
This is not a story about what obstacle he's been through, it's about a ribbon changing its color, its forms, and finally its destination.
He changes from bad to worse, to worse to good. And somehow in the end it's still flying better than it has before, there are still cuts and dirt that hasn't go away. But wounds never really go away. (Hey this isn't that bad..)
The author has created such a complex yet understandable character, without him being OOC at that. All of the characters and the turning of events are executed realistically.
Despite that, however, the reason gave 4 stars instead of 5 is because the whole story didn't feel immersive. Or be able to fully make me empathize with the character.
In spite of the author's efforts, I can't truly feel Deku pain. Sure it has been described in depth and details, with its twists and turns. But you only see it as a spectator.
Instead of being able to fly with the ribbon or experience the ribbon cuts and dirt. We just watch as a spectator. You know what happen thoroughly but you didn't feel it.
That's why there's a time where I lose interest sometimes while reading this novel. I mean, how fun do you think it is watching a ribbon flying although interesting?
But it's not such a big deal, despite how long I ramble about that. In the end I really love how this novel end up. It's pace sometimes slows down, and sometimes speeds up. On whole, I love this novel. By the end of it, I think the story has turns out great. The already good quality story definitely became better as you proceed.
So please try it. The rating will be close to 5 stars, but close nonetheless.
Well, that ends up being a longer review than I expect. I hope this is not so hard to read and have a nice day ^^
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haha, the first review is mine, even tho no one uses it. The Psychological parts really get in to you and makes you think "aw man, how great my life is" and think how great it is to be sane. The grammer is a 10/10. Characters are a 10/10 (would be 11/10 if bakugo was gone lmao). Plot is 11/10. Overall it's great.
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This is just.... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH... too good.
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It has been so damn long since I see a fanfic on trending. 5 stars!
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Wow... simply wow. I have read quite a number of MHA fics... but overall they fell into two types: the powerhouse (MC is great and point) and the Lewd ("Kono hentai!" but it works!?), so this one was really an amazing and refreshing surprise.
This work was damn amazing... but also weird and mysterious to me somehow. At some points, it focused on certain aspects but suddenly the focus changed to something old or new, only to afterward those previous aspects to come up and bang! Geez, it was a damn nice read.
And the more important part... it ended.
Yeah, it's such a 'simple' thing but to me and undoubtedly to others who got burned N times by incomplete/hiatus/drop works... complete work is always lovely, especially good ones like this.
Many thanks for the work and many more for the ending!
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