2.3k Views 3 Favorites 31 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 20 Readers 0 Reviews 152.3k Words Feb 19, 2020 ReferHotaru A long time ago, there was a man who crowned himself and became the first king in the world. His existence was unknown and told to be fictional. But it was him who inspired men to become kings and take his crown. For that crown defeated all of the crowns in the past, present, and the future. This is why all of kings do not have any crowns because there is only one crown in the world that will turn anyone as the king and be called the "King of Kings"
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The crown has been searched by men and women for centuries, but there was not a lead to the crown. Thus, it became the greatest treasure in the whole existence and was called the "King's Crown"
This series revolves around the mysterious kid on the rock and his future friends. They will uncover all of the mysteries in the world and even the greatest treasure, King's Crown, as they venture the whole world and even the outside.