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272k Views 6152 Favorites 42 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 1822 Readers 20 Reviews 141.4k Words Feb 2, 2022 nothingspecial
Stuart doesn't really know why he's going to college. He doesn't know why he's in the metamorphic-science program. In fact, he doesn't really know why he's doing *anything,* other than a vague sense of obligation and persistent existential angst. But when he and two of his classmates are caught in a freak lab accident, he suddenly has much bigger things to worry about instead. (Well, make that "in addition to.") With he and his lab partners stuck trying to cope with unfamiliar new bodies, deal with angry *and* curious faculty members, re-integrate into campus life, and come to terms with their own personal issues, it's anybody's guess where it will all end up for them...... more>>
90k Views 1446 Favorites 52 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 872 Readers 2 Reviews 219.9k Words Feb 28, 2022 DivineEternal1
Ryan was walking home from work after a long day of work when he got hit by a truck and killed. Instead of finding himself in the afterlife, he wakes up in the black abyss of space as a spaceship. To make matters worse, his new body barely functions and without the help of others he is doomed to die again. Can he find the right people to bring repair him, or will he doom them to die with him?... more>>
53.7k Views 1371 Favorites 23 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 772 Readers 3 Reviews 87.5k Words Feb 20, 2020 SaffronDragon
Emma (née Marcus) Farrier is a fairly normal grad student, until she is struck by lightning and wakes up in the alternate world of Selene. Selene is a land of steam engines and carriages, of lords and beggars, of gear-wheels and rifle-smoke... as well as a land inhabited entirely by women. This wouldn't be a problem, except that before being transported here, Emma was a man (or at least she thought she was). Now, having been taken in by a noble family with a dark past, she must learn to survive this vicious new world. Worse still, she is on a collision course with powerful forces who seek to rule this planet, as well as... more>>
46.2k Views 2497 Favorites 155 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 371 Readers 3 Reviews 281.5k Words Jun 29, 2022 Yati
After a classmate committed suicide, Claire is forced to volunteer to spearhead the First Bureau of Yurification (FBY) together with the illustrious counselor Anna Lyst to enhance yuri-awareness at her catholic all-girl school.
Together with their team, which we will witness being created, they will solve Y(uri)-files to make sure all those yuri seeds around them get to blossom into beautiful flowers.
Because yurilessness can be lethal!... more>>
30.7k Views 1207 Favorites 43 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 417 Readers 0 Reviews 166.9k Words Nov 18, 2021 SaffronDragon
Things have just started settling down for Emma (née Marcus) Farrier, seven weeks after being mysteriously transported to Selene, a world of steam engines, political intrigue, and no men. However, when she throws herself into an entirely new environment far from the familiarity of Halflance Manor, she must face flesh-eating ghoul tribes, cunning Imperial Assassins, and the mystery of why she is on Selene at all. Will Emma be able to keep the peace between the Republic of Bluerose and the northern Durkahni queendoms? Or will she succumb to the darkness of the far north? And will she ever figure out that maybe she isn't as much of a man as she thinks she is?... more>>
27.2k Views 302 Favorites 10 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 213 Readers 0 Reviews 18.8k Words Mar 28, 2023 OtterlyMindblowing
A story of JRParz's Master PC Universe... more>>
16.8k Views 538 Favorites 36 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 229 Readers 0 Reviews 125.1k Words Feb 23, 2024 SaffronDragon
Emma (née Marcus) Farrier has struck out on her own, with only her servants/roommates Anna and Unity to help her, to seek out the truth about her unique powers in the university town of New Alderburg. For a short while, it almost seems like she might have some peace and quiet. But that soon ends when she meets up with an old ally under a new identity, ends up on the trail of a vicious serial killer, and has a run-in with a mysterious woman in white and her werewolf minions. Now Emma has to fight for her life and for the fate of all of Selene, against an enemy who knows her better than... more>>
12k Views 182 Favorites 8 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 197 Readers 2 Reviews 4.2k Words Jun 21, 2020 RandomUser12321
My name is Zhao Lingfeng. I have a classmate named Dong HeFeng. He’s tall, handsome, friendly, smart, and sociable–everything about him is good, except for one thing: he wants to kill me. ... more>>
11.9k Views 380 Favorites 65 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 155 Readers 2 Reviews 132.5k Words Jan 24, 2023 Corty
Humanity was close to conquering the Galaxy at the peak of its power. All the other species were either absorbed into the fold, becoming citizens of the Hegemony of Men or were pushed towards the edges of yet-to-be-explored parts of the Milky Way. But everything has its end... and the end for Humanity came way too suddenly. Nobody knows, not even today, what caused the collapse more than 5,000 years ago, but one thing is certain: No humans have ever been sighted again since then. The Galaxy was changed once more, giving birth to new empires, climbing up on the ruins, left behind their hated foes, the ones who previously conquered them.... more>>
7.2k Views 305 Favorites 103 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 64 Readers 0 Reviews 229.6k Words Nov 19, 2021 Prysmcat
Five moons rise over Evanir, each in her own cycle, and each moon is also a god, one of five sisters.... more>>
5.6k Views 26 Favorites 15 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 101 Readers 0 Reviews 14.7k Words Sep 23, 2020 bigbear51
You weren't planning on taking part of any clubs. However, your childhood friend was having none of that, and now you're the manager of the idol club at school. ... more>>
4.5k Views 116 Favorites 4 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 166 Readers 0 Reviews 10k Words Feb 26, 2022 SaffronDragon
Everybody knows that orcs and adventurers don't mix. Adventurers kill orcs, in fact, in endless hordes as part of their quests, in exchange for bounties posted by the Empire. Dzošajan knows this. But she also knows that she has one goal in life: to become the greatest alchemist in the world, and she'll do anything to accomplish that. That alchemy is her best shot at changing her body to something she's happy with is just a fortunate coincidence. So when a caravan of alchemists arrives at her tiny orc village, Dzošajan jumps at the opportunity, and ends up becoming apprenticed to one of them. It's only later that she learns that this particular alchemist doesn't... more>>
4.3k Views 51 Favorites 20 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 78 Readers 2 Reviews 66.6k Words Jan 18, 2021 EternalSunset0
Three weeks after the first series of incidents concerning Mu, life has settled down for Kazuki Arata. Along with his new friend, he has eased into a new life as an Awakener, special people with access to the other dimension and Armaments, weapons manifested from the soul. ... more>>
4.1k Views 30 Favorites 22 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 52 Readers 1 Reviews 66.5k Words Aug 28, 2021 EternalSunset0
With late July comes the highly-anticipated annual school event, the Fuyusato Grand Festival. Having put the incident at the Chronodome behind them, the main trio look ahead to this event.... more>>
3.8k Views 52 Favorites 22 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 64 Readers 2 Reviews 73.9k Words Mar 9, 2021 EternalSunset0
After painful confessions and reconciliation with Miki Amagi, Kazuki Arata and Sayaka Uehara welcomed a new addition to the team. However, things would get complicated for Kazuki due to the appearance of a temporary transfer student. This time, in the form of Yui Kimura, the idol rising through the ranks, who will be having her first solo show in a week's time.... more>>
3.6k Views 24 Favorites 22 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 51 Readers 0 Reviews 73.2k Words Jan 29, 2022 EternalSunset0
Victory in the Temple of Recollections came at a steep price. Still reeling from the loss, Kazuki and his female Awakener friends begin the road to recovery. Surrounded by people with fragmented memories and an unprecedented change in Shiroki City, they try to come to terms with their new reality.... more>>
3.6k Views 177 Favorites 92 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 39 Readers 0 Reviews 355.4k Words Mar 25, 2024 Rookieqw
Ratcatcher had a happy and stable life. Loving parents, a little brother to care for, deadly dangers, and familiar tunnels all around. Nothing seemed out... more>>
3.2k Views 110 Favorites 49 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 45 Readers 0 Reviews 112.9k Words Feb 23, 2023 Sloth-of-Bangkok
The young man remembered.... more>>
2.8k Views 84 Favorites 82 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 22 Readers 0 Reviews 140.2k Words Apr 8, 2024 ljegulja
Soulless is a series of books that describes the clash of a modern-day Earth with an epic fantasy world. It focuses on exploring their differences in culture, mentality, and philosophy, highlighting misconceptions and misunderstandings that arise between the two.... more>>
1.8k Views 35 Favorites 41 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 22 Readers 0 Reviews 43.3k Words Jun 11, 2022 doravg
Frank gets diagnosed with a condition that puts an end to his weightlifting career. His girlfriend, Rebecca, leaves him just as she hears the news. Now, without a mean to support himself, Frank goes out and tries to find a job. He stumbles upon the animal shelter, and there, he finds that his life doesn't have to be without a meaning, after all. ... more>>
1.8k Views 8 Favorites 1 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 37 Readers 0 Reviews 3.3k Words Feb 18, 2019 mrsimple
Follow a tale of one’s journey from a rowdy ship’s toilet to the stormy seas until being stranded on an island with a feuding father and daughter. Of course, to give credit to the title, this story is told from the point of view of an egg.... more>>
1.4k Views 7 Favorites 21 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 34 Readers 1 Reviews 59.2k Words Oct 1, 2022 EternalSunset0
The trip to the grand hotel complex Samsara opened old scars and created new wounds. Even after losing their most reliable ally and friend, Kazuki and the rest of the team have little time to regroup as Euphoria begins to move-closing upon the identity of the Magna Arbiter's host.... more>>
1.2k Views 36 Favorites 1 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 117 Readers 1 Reviews 19.7k Words Dec 29, 2022 givemeyourbones
A human office worker meets her dragon CEO. They work together to undo the results of an ancient crime.
1k Views 0 Favorites 20 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 30 Readers 1 Reviews 54.6k Words Oct 11, 2023 EternalSunset0
With every actor in place, Guren Izaya looks to begin his conquest of the heart of Mu: the grand spiral tower Babel. In it lies the ultimate power to reshape the world, which he now has the power to grasp. Flanked by both his trustworthy allies and collaborators, he prepares to both embrace his destiny and reunite with the girl who's the impetus of it all.... more>>
380 Views 1 Favorites 22 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 12 Readers 0 Reviews 38.2k Words Nov 3, 2023 Trashcat
The golden knight, a summoner of fire and poetry enthusiast who loves speaking in verses takes the huge responsibility of cleansing the negativities that plague the unusual city of Ravenhide. This is the story of a mysterious swordsman with a blurry past and present who embarks on a spiritual journey to uncover his lost memories and decipher the truth behind his existence.
This is a completed novel that has been edited countless times and sent to Readers Favorites for an honest review.
Below is the review from Carine Engelbrecht from Readers Favorites.... more>>