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385.4k Views 12379 Favorites 105 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 2458 Readers 4 Reviews 310.9k Words Dec 1, 2023 Fighterman481
Lucas was your average college student until he stumbled into possession of a djinn's lamp. A few wishes later he finds that not only has he become (potentially) one of the most powerful beings in existence, he's found a new side to the world that he's not quite sure how to navigate.... more>>
366.6k Views 9686 Favorites 38 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 2099 Readers 13 Reviews 123.1k Words Apr 22, 2020 QuietValerie
Coby was once again forced to go to a college party by his best friend Brook. He hadn't been counting on much happening, he was an anxious nerd after all, but waking up in his friend's bed as a gorgeous girl was pretty damn far out of even his craziest dreams. How will the newly dubbed Eloise deal with college life as a superpowered girl in a world full of heroes. A Kammiverse story.... more>>
289.3k Views 3816 Favorites 83 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 1562 Readers 2 Reviews 291.7k Words May 23, 2021 Fighterman481
New series here: more>>
281.4k Views 6287 Favorites 46 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 1723 Readers 6 Reviews 83.3k Words Jul 20, 2020 Katie-the-Angel-Witch
Or "My Downstairs Neighbor Performed a Ton of Demon Heritage Awakening Rituals under my bed, And I woke up as a succubus, but I'm starting to like it?" ... more>>
161.1k Views 2914 Favorites 13 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 1691 Readers 3 Reviews 32.4k Words Aug 17, 2020 Elamimax
A perfect, sleepy town is the perfect, sleepy home for all of its happy, sleepy inhabitants. all but one, who feels like something is off, a splinter in their mind. A chance encounter with a librarian of all people makes life a whole lot stranger, a whole lot more interesting, and a whole lot more intense. ... more>>
145.9k Views 671 Favorites 8 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 1217 Readers 3 Reviews 20.2k Words Nov 17, 2021 Jamminrabbit
Great power does not often fall into the hands of the responsible. ... more>>
134.6k Views 2666 Favorites 25 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 1253 Readers 17 Reviews 217.3k Words Jun 5, 2020 SarcasticNut
In a world of superheroes and villains, Gavin McArthur feels like more of a shell than a person even after he transfers to a school for kids who are likely to soon posses an Alter form, a form that grants the user super powers and a different appearance. But what do you do when your Alter form represents an uncomfortable truth about yourself that you're not prepared to face?... more>>
122.2k Views 3400 Favorites 106 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 834 Readers 5 Reviews 787.5k Words Apr 19, 2024 ReadingDangerously
Would you take the deal? Live your wildest fantasies at the cost of orchestrating the most significant prison break ever conceived? Spanning six worlds, millions... more>>
104.6k Views 4805 Favorites 40 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 1023 Readers 2 Reviews 91k Words May 31, 2022 Elamimax
A new take on a by-now-classic formula. ... more>>
100.5k Views 1732 Favorites 119 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 757 Readers 2 Reviews 459.5k Words Dec 19, 2022 Sola-sama
This version of Soul Venerable is being re-written, it will not receive further update whatsoever. Please check the other one:... more>>
98.6k Views 3198 Favorites 104 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 896 Readers 4 Reviews 338.6k Words Aug 9, 2022 tinypiecesofgum
These are the tales of two cat burglars, partners in crime all their lives, struggling to fit into a world that won't offer them even a moment of security or peace. But what if someone beyond this cruel world could offer them a gift? The chance to revitalize their lives, a single moment to gaze deep within themselves and not only see what it is they truly desire, but to chase that dream? To forge their bodies anew to allow their minds peace at last, as their true selves... With the seal upon my prison weakening, I reach out to those souls in need and ask of thee...... more>>
97.7k Views 1905 Favorites 24 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 1089 Readers 4 Reviews 35.1k Words Feb 1, 2023 AshleyTanuki
Kyle lives his life one day after the other. His usual routine of lazing about slows him down day by day. He wishes often that something would happen to him. Often these wishes deal with the many illnesses, disabilities, and other various problems he has. Most of the time he wishes for a new body. What would happen if he gets that wish in a way he hadn’t thought of? His new life in another world will make for some fine shenanigans and might lead to some… other problems.... more>>
96.6k Views 3677 Favorites 24 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 1047 Readers 4 Reviews 69.1k Words Mar 24, 2021 SapphicSounds
Sybil, a young witch, has been having prophetic dreams about a girl she loves, a girl from somewhere else. She strives tirelessly to craft a spell that might summon her future lover, but when all is said and done, much to Sybil's dismay the one who stands before her is not her dream woman, but Isaac, a down on his luck guy from Earth. He seems nice enough though, and willing to help her gather reagents for another attempt at getting the spell right. As the two embark on their journey, Sybil comes to realize that Isaac may not be all they seem, and that the woman she's meant to be with may be not... more>>
81.6k Views 2613 Favorites 14 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 1137 Readers 5 Reviews 33.7k Words Jul 8, 2020 Elamimax
Two young warlocks challenge each other to a magical contest: they will transform each other into a shape too horrendous to imagine, and then see who can hold out the longest. The first to beg to be turned back will be the loser. ... more>>
80.4k Views 3283 Favorites 31 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 721 Readers 3 Reviews 84.7k Words Jun 11, 2021 ZoeStorm
Stephanie is just trying to get on with her life: studying, going to class and to her part-time job, and hopefully finding a girlfriend before long.... more>>
69.1k Views 1921 Favorites 10 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 961 Readers 3 Reviews 18.8k Words Feb 2, 2020 Elamimax
On their sixteenth birthday, Damien caught an unusual illness, finding themself having to deal with unexpected changes, and the distance this creates between them and... more>>
58.7k Views 2684 Favorites 27 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 645 Readers 1 Reviews 66.3k Words Aug 8, 2022 Sourie
Getting captured, fighting villains, being chased by heroes. That's just an average week for the villainous thief known as Mimica. His way of life wasn’t the greatest, but it was consistent and predictable.... more>>
50.4k Views 2367 Favorites 16 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 890 Readers 5 Reviews 36.2k Words Jan 17, 2022 Elamimax
Me and my cat, Pancakes, fell through a hole in space and/or time. Now there's a cabin, I might be a witch, and I've been told there's werewolves about. ... more>>
50k Views 1171 Favorites 23 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 509 Readers 1 Reviews 28.5k Words Dec 22, 2019 PrincessFelicie
After a malevolent spell intended to turn her into an animal goes awry, Cherry finds herself stuck as a plush toy. She now has to cooperate with the warlock that tried to transform her in the first place as her latent magic goes out of control and starts to change her captor in unexpected ways.... more>>
47.3k Views 1342 Favorites 13 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 729 Readers 6 Reviews 35.4k Words Jul 9, 2020 CycleLunar
At the behest of an annoying childhood friend, a young villager travels to a mysterious cabin that appeared in the woods. They soon discover that a witch and her familiar live inside, and they curse them for intruding! Dealing with the effects leads our young villager on a journey of discovering herself, falling in love, and learning how to live with a home town that isn't quite sure what to make of all this. Please enjoy my first ever novella! And be careful not to get yourself cursed , unless you think you'd like it~... more>>
35.5k Views 1122 Favorites 28 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 483 Readers 1 Reviews 92.2k Words May 6, 2023 Murbellass
So I met this girl. Turns out she’s not from here… here being Earth. But she is so very pretty and the way she looks at me makes me feel all kinds of ways. How Am I going to tell people about this!?... more>>
34k Views 1525 Favorites 15 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 427 Readers 2 Reviews 23k Words Jul 15, 2022 Leviathan86
A member of a werewolf mafia family has a problem: he doesn't seem to be able to transform like his older brothers have. He's mostly come to terms with it, serving as their front restaurant's pizza delivery boy because he's not as beefy as his brothers, but little does he know, change might be just around the corner.... more>>
32.9k Views 346 Favorites 157 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 239 Readers 1 Reviews 337.7k Words Sep 26, 2020 Vertrex
{COMPLETED} on RoyalRoad
A new baby is born into a fantasy world, and that baby is named Lakshman Reddy, whose nickname is Lucky. The story... more>>
32.6k Views 1286 Favorites 19 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 584 Readers 0 Reviews 51.1k Words Jan 15, 2022 QuillRabbit
Lukas and Alena, deeply in love, are saving up their money to flee the town they grew up in, as the new town prefect wants Alena's hand in marriage. When the prefect sabotages their attempt to escape, Alena vows to do whatever is necessary to bring him down and save her relationship. Lukas, meanwhile, finds and accidentally absorbs a magic stone eye, giving him the ability to wield wild magic but swiftly transforming his body into that of his ideal self: a girl, something he has never told anyone before. Will the lovebirds' relationship survive the trials of change and revolution that fall upon them, or are they doomed to lose each other forever?
... more>>
31.5k Views 1234 Favorites 16 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 468 Readers 2 Reviews 40.9k Words Apr 25, 2022 PurpleCatGirl
With exams and graduation right around the corner, a closeted trans teen worries about drifting apart from her two best friends - either due to her coming out, or as life takes them in different directions after high-school. That is, until an unexpected development leads both her and her friends to learn more about themselves and each other, in ways that bring all three of them closer than ever.... more>>